CFD Applications

General Applications

A red car model with blue airflow lines depicted around it, illustrating aerodynamic design through CFD applications.

Vehicle Aerodynamics

The drag coefficient (Cd) and lift coefficient (Cl) are critical metrics for evaluating a vehicle’s aerodynamic performance. Traditionally, these coefficients have been determined through wind tunnel testing. However, SC/Tetra has been validated as a highly accurate tool for calculating aerodynamic performance, showcasing one of the key CFD applications in vehicle design, with minimal deviation from experimental data. SC/Tetra’s advanced solver is optimized to handle detailed modeling of underbody structures and piping systems while using minimal memory. At Software Cradle, we are committed to continuously enhancing the accuracy and capabilities of SC/Tetra. We also offer expert technical support, including conducting complex, high-level simulations for our clients.

Passenger Comfort

In addition to vehicle aerodynamics, optimizing interior climate control systems is another essential application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). These CFD applications encompass interior heating and cooling, including the effects of solar radiation, as well as windshield defogging and defrosting. SC/Tetra excels in managing highly complex geometries, thanks to its advanced and robust grid generator and low memory consumption solver. Moreover, SC/Tetra offers unique capabilities for predicting occupant comfort through a fully coupled human body thermoregulatory model. This model accounts for the detailed human vascular system and individual physiological factors, providing a comprehensive analysis of comfort levels.

A technical illustration of an automotive defroster system, featuring airflow and heat distribution patterns analyzed by SC/Tetra software. The image highlights CFD applications and includes a CRADLE logo.
3D airflow simulation of an air conditioner ventilation duct, showcasing streamlines and oil flow lines with 28,977 elements and 100 cycles, created using SC/Tetra software—an excellent example of CFD applications.

Air Conditioner Ventilation Duct

SC/Tetra is utilized in the design of air conditioner ventilation ductwork, highlighting another important area of CFD applications. Through CFD, it enables efficient computation of balanced air distribution, allowing for design optimization even in spaces with significant constraints.

Underhood Cooling

Engine compartment ventilation, including radiator cooling performance, is one of the critical CFD applications in automotive engineering. SC/Tetra is well-suited for accurate computation of highly complex geometrical models, encompassing the engine, radiator fan, accessories, and vehicle underbody details. This analysis can also include calculating the pressure drop across the radiator.

Diagram of a car's engine compartment with technical lines and details highlighting the engine components, ideal for CFD applications. Labeled "Engine" on the top left and "By SC/Tetra" on the bottom left, with "CRADLE" logo on the bottom right.
A diagram illustrating velocity and pressure contours around a side view mirror with 1,744,624 elements, created by SC/Tetra, showcasing advanced CFD applications.

Side View Mirror

In addition to simulating vehicle aerodynamics, CFD is also used to optimize the shape of individual vehicle components that affect overall aerodynamics. One example is the side view mirror. The side view mirror must meet various design criteria, including proper positioning to reflect the correct views, minimizing drag, repelling water droplets on the mirror surface, and reducing aerodynamically induced acoustic noise. SC/Tetra enables the evaluation of different design concepts in a short amount of time.


Intake and exhaust manifold performance are typically first simulated in a steady state to ensure uniform pressure distribution. Transient analysis is then used to determine the presence of any reverse flows. As part of CFD applications, an exhaust manifold should undergo both internal flow and thermal simulations to ensure appropriate material selection and thickness.

A surface temperature contour map of an engine manifold, generated using CFD applications with 507,931 elements over 600 cycles, is shown with a temperature gradient bar at the bottom. Image credited to SC/Tetra.
CFD applications in the analysis of turbine blades, illustrating the flow and pressure distribution across the rotating components.

Torque Converter

The analysis of a torque converter used in a vehicle’s automatic transmission is among the specialized CFD applications that require calculations accounting for rotating boundaries. This allows for the evaluation of torque values as well as the pressure (force) exerted on each component.

Engine Valve

For engine valve analyses, the swirl ratio and tumble ratio are crucial parameters that significantly impact fuel mixture, combustion, and emissions, making them vital CFD applications for engine optimization. SC/Tetra is employed to calculate and optimize the design geometries of inlet and exhaust valves.

A fluid flow simulation image shows velocity distribution within a cylindrical container using color-coded vectors from blue (low velocity) to red (high velocity), demonstrating the versatility of CFD applications.
Eight-panel image showing a sequence of mesh refinement for an arch structure with corresponding stress distribution heat maps below, transitioning from coarse to finer mesh and stress analysis—perfect for demonstrating CFD applications in structural engineering.

Analysis of Duct of Engine Port

Engine port flows can be analyzed using mesh adaptation analysis. This function automatically detects areas where the mesh should be more refined, based on analysis results. By re-generating the mesh and re-processing calculations, more accurate results can be obtained, independent of the analyst’s mesh generation skills.

Flow Analysis of Engine Port

This type of analysis is among the CFD applications designed to predict the inflow rate of air, which depends on valve lift and the degree of attachment. Analysis time and memory usage can be minimized by applying a 1/2 scale model when symmetrical geometry is used. Automatic script processing is also possible, using valve lift and degree of attachment as parameters.

Illustration titled "Engine Port" by SC/Tetra showcasing a detailed diagram of an engine's internal structure with labeled parts, flow paths, and various CFD applications.
X-ray image of a fuel tank showing fluid movement and sloshing patterns. Text reads, "SLOSHING IN FUEL TANK" and "1,039,172 elements (3000 cycles)," highlighting the powerful CFD applications used. "By SC/Tetra" is written in the bottom left.

Analysis of Gasoline Sloshing of Tank

Fluid sloshing occurs within gasoline tanks of vehicles and ships due to external periodic vibrations, which can lead to tank damage or fuel leakage. This is one of the CFD applications where the free surface function called VOF (Volume of Fluid) is used to predict fluid vibrations and changes in container pressure. Design engineers can identify the ideal container geometry that prevents load concentration by examining the flow and pressure.

Vehicle Headlights

Thermal management is crucial due to the high output characteristics of vehicle headlights, especially when LED headlights are used, which have a low heat-resistant temperature. Heat from the light source is emitted to the open air as radiant energy, along with heat conduction and convective heat transfer. Highly accurate temperature prediction is possible by accounting for the reflectivity of the reflector and the absorbance degree of the cover material.

Simulation result showing airflow through air holes removing accumulated heat, typical of CFD applications. A color scale indicates temperature variations from low to high. An inset diagram indicates cross-section location.
Simulation of heat exchanger with 1,039,172 elements by SC/Tetra showcases advanced CFD applications.

Heat Exchanger (Radiator, Inter-cooler, Oil Cooler)

A CFD simulation of a heat exchanger, such as a radiator, considers two working fluids—typically air and water/coolant. CFD applications are essential in determining the efficiency of heat exchangers, which is directly influenced by the velocity of the fluids at the wall. Additionally, CFD predicts whether the coolant flow is uniform within the heat exchanger. Coolant flows in the water jacket of an engine block can also be analyzed, as the underlying mechanism is fundamentally the same as that of a heat exchanger.

Analysis of the Fluid Flow inside In-cylinder (Mesh Element Distribution and Surface Pressure Distribution)

Complicated transient flow occurs in cylinders due to the opening and closing of engine valves. This valve operation can be analyzed using the overset mesh function, which calculates layered in-cylinder and valve mesh elements. By accounting for contact between objects—an aspect that was previously difficult to examine—this analysis allows for a more accurate prediction of the flow field influenced by the opening and closing motions.

CFD applications in engine valve analysis, showcasing fluid flow and temperature distribution during the valve operation within a combustion engine.
A 3D model of a Formula 1 car with aerodynamic flow lines visualized around it, showcasing its airflow patterns and pressure distribution—a perfect example of CFD applications in high-performance automotive design.

Aerodynamic Analysis of Formula Car (Surface Pressure and Streamlines)

In Formula car races, reducing air drag is crucial for achieving faster and more stable driving. Simulations of airflow over a racing car help to understand the mechanisms behind air drag by visualizing the complex flow patterns and pressure forces on the car body, thereby contributing to the improvement of the vehicle’s shape.

Analysis of the Air Flow in Large Vehicle Interior (Streamline and Distribution of Surface Temperature)

The thermal comfort of a bus’s interior space can be evaluated by considering air-conditioning effects and thermal loads. Passengers can be represented using JOS (thermoregulation) models, which account for blood circulation, the body’s thermal management functions, and the effects of clothing. This analysis allows for the assessment of passenger comfort by calculating air temperature, as well as the skin temperature and perspiration levels of passengers within the vehicle’s interior.

Visualization of passenger thermal comfort inside a vehicle using CFD applications, showing temperature distribution across seated individuals.
CFD applications are showcased in a 3D simulation model depicting fluid flow and heat distribution within a mechanical component, represented with color gradients from blue (cooler) to red (hotter).

Analysis of a Water Jacket

A water flow channel placed for cooling the heat from engine cylinders is called a water jacket. A water jacket is designed in such a way to make the flow speed fast at the portions that particularly need to be cooled, and also to avoid air pools. In SC/Tetra, mesh can be generated automaticA water flow channel used for cooling engine cylinders is known as a water jacket. A water jacket is designed to ensure high flow speeds at critical areas that require cooling and to prevent air pockets. In SC/Tetra, the mesh can be automatically generated even for such complex, large-scale even for this kind of complicated, large-scale geometry.

Thermal Analysis of a Vehicle Headlamp (Temperature Distribution)

CFD applications in thermal management are crucial due to the high output characteristics of vehicle headlights, especially when LED headlights are used. Heat from the light source is emitted into the open air as radiant energy, along with heat conduction and convective heat transfer. Highly accurate temperature predictions are possible by accounting for the reflectivity of the reflector and the absorption properties of the cover material.

CFD applications used in the thermal analysis of a vehicle headlamp, depicting temperature distribution and heat flow within the headlamp structure.
A 3D simulation shows a green liquid being sprayed from a nozzle, forming a triangular film on a black surface. A time stamp (0.0070) and a legend indicating liquid film height in meters are visible, illustrating key CFD applications in fluid dynamics analysis.

Analysis of Liquid Film

The effects of paints can be analyzed using the liquid film model, representing another innovative example of CFD applications. Spray paints from a nozzle can be modeled, where liquid particles form a liquid film upon reaching the wall. The liquid film model requires less computational load compared to the free surface analysis function, which considers surface tension and contact angle, making it ideal for analyzing the spread of thin liquid films.

Analysis of Electrostatic Spray

This is one of the CFD applications where particle tracking is used to analyze the spraying effects of paint from a spray gun. The effects of paint particles, which are emitted through an electrostatic field created by the voltage applied from the spray gun, can be evaluated while they are exposed to electrostatic forces. It is also possible to calculate the adhesion position of the paint on the target object and the thickness of the adhered layer.

A simulation of CFD applications shows a spray gun coating a blue cylindrical object with yellow particles. The particles disperse from the nozzle toward the object, with progress indicated by a timer at the top-left.
A computer-aided design (CAD) simulation of airflow through a heat exchanger with a red fan. This example of CFD applications depicts airflow with multicolored lines representing different flow velocities.

Heat Sink

Predicting the performance of a single heat sink is one of the fundamental CFD applications in thermal simulation Thermal conduction is influenced by the spacing and thickness of the fins, while the heat-transfer coefficient is affected by the air velocity over the fin surface. Some heat sinks are integrated with a fan. SC/Tetra can simulate these systems by incorporating the fan rotation model, a primary source of cooling. The steady-state performance of the heat sink is calculated quickly, though fan rotation introduces a transient component.

Power Supply Unit

Among the many CFD applications, analyzing the power supply unit, which transforms voltage and emits large amounts of heat, is crucial for ensuring efficient heat dissipation. HeatDesigner reliably computes natural heat dissipation using predetermined calculation parameters tailored for electrical and electronics equipment.

A computer-generated thermal analysis of an electronics cooling enclosure, utilizing CFD applications, shows temperature distribution with blue indicating cooler areas and red indicating hotter areas.
A CFD application simulating a Sirocco fan shows velocity and pressure fields, with two 3D renderings of the fan at different angles and a data summary on the right.

Analysis of a Sirocco Fan

The flow of a sirocco fan can be analyzed to examine the relationship between rotational speed and output flow rate. By using the moving region function to simulate blade rotation, analysts can visualize the flow and pressure, enabling improvements to blade geometry. Additionally, the aerodynamic noise function can be used to identify fan-generated noise.

Flow Analysis inside a Chassis (Particle Tracking)

This is a simulation example of electronics cooling using fans, illustrating another of the diverse CFD applications in thermal management. For effective forced air-cooling design, it is crucial to select the most appropriate type of fan and determine its optimal position. Through thermal analysis, engineers can verify whether the output airflow rate and velocity directed at the cooling target components meet the required specifications. Additionally, the overall device can be optimized by evaluating the ideal geometry of heat sinks along the airflow paths.

3D schematic of a multi-layered electronic device with a transparent overlay showing airflow and heat dissipation patterns, highlighting CFD applications in optimizing thermal management.
Computer-generated graphic depicting an internal view of a device with thermal simulations in various colors, indicating temperature distribution and showcasing CFD applications.

Car Audio and Navigation Systems

Car audio and navigation systems generate a significant amount of heat, subjecting the interior of the automotive dashboard to extremely high temperatures. Optimal system integration requires thorough analysis of potential thermal issues. HeatDesigner and scSTREAM are well-suited for this type of analysis, which demands a high degree of accuracy. Both tools efficiently handle large models, making them ideal for resolving fine geometric details.


Due to the increasing demands for miniaturization and improved output power, ensuring effective heat dissipation is critical in projector design. Early evaluation of fan design and component layout, key CFD applications, allows designers to assess and implement strategies to enhance heat dissipation efficiency.

A thermal simulation showing the heat distribution within an electronic device, utilizing CFD applications to highlight varying temperature regions using a color gradient from blue (cooler) to red (warmer).
Image of a partially disassembled smartphone, showing the exterior case and interior components, with a focus on the layout and placement of internal parts. This detailed view is crucial for developing CFD applications to optimize thermal management.


Thermal design is one of the essential CFD applications when developing a smartphone, as the sealed casing can lead to increased temperatures. By simulating thermal flow before manufacturing, engineers can adjust component layout and materials, optimizing the overall design.

Visualization of a plane's body surface temperature using 1,468,304 elements and 76 cycles, illustrating color gradients of gauge pressure and temperature. Labeled "HST Plane" by SC/Tetra, this is a prime example of CFD applications in aerospace engineering.

Compressible Flow Analysis of a Hypersonic Transport Plane

This is an example of analyzing supersonic transport. As flying speed exceeds the speed of sound, fluid pressure increases, leading to phenomena such as shock waves that do not occur at lower speeds. Accurately predicting changes in the flow field under these conditions highlights one of the critical CFD applications in aerospace engineering, requiring a method that accounts for fluid compressibility.

Analysis of the Flow inside Gear Pump (Mesh Element Distribution)

Gear pumps are widely used as constant volume pumps in hydraulic power units for industrial machinery. In this type of analysis, the surrounding fluid is transferred as the mesh elements of the gears rotate. This type of analysis is one of the specialized CFD applications where the overset mesh function accurately accounts for the effects of gears engaging with each other.

A detailed mesh diagram showing two interlocking gears, one yellow and one green, with a small black piece connecting them. The coordinate axis labeled "X" and "Z" in the lower left corner illustrates a typical setup in CFD applications.
A 3D model depicting intersecting geometric shapes in yellow and blue within a translucent cylindrical boundary. A coordinate axis representing CFD applications is shown in the bottom left corner.

Analysis of a Mixing Tank (Mesh Element Distribution)

Mixing tanks are essential in various industrial processes. In this type of analysis, the mesh elements of the blades rotate, applying force to the surrounding fluids to create a mixing motion. The overset mesh function can be utilized to account for near or direct contact between blades when multiple blades are involved, as shown in the diagram.

Analysis of Air Flow Generated by Roots Blower

A Roots blower is a pump that performs air intake and exhaust using a pair of non-contact, counter-rotating rotors. In this analysis, the mesh elements move as the rotors rotate. By using the overset mesh function, it is possible to accurately account for the effects of the rotors engaging with each other.

An image showing a diagram with two interlocking, irregular shapes; one red on the left and one blue on the right, surrounded by a pattern of arrows, illustrating CFD applications.
A computer-generated image of a complex wiring system showcasing multiple interconnected cables and geometric components, used in CFD applications, on a blue, grid-patterned background.

Flow Analysis of a Heat exchanger Fan for Refrigerator

In CFD applications, the flow of a cooling fan is determined by its blade geometry, the shape of the fan, and its allocated position. Using SC/Tetra, highly accurate flow analysis can be conducted, exemplifying one of the numerous CFD applications that account for the effects of surrounding device shapes and airflow.

A 3D diagram depicts airflow within a room structure, showing blue lines representing air currents moving through various sections. The image is by Software Cradle Co., Ltd.

Room Ventilation I

scSTREAM can be used to evaluate air-conditioning performance within a room in a house, office, or any large interior space. This fluid analysis calculates the distribution of air velocity and temperature throughout the design space, allowing for the determination of exact numerical values within any specific area. This method is much more precise than conventional thermal loading calculations. CFD also enables the inclusion and calculation of gas concentrations, solar radiation effects, and dew condensation. Additionally, scSTREAM is frequently used for analyzing clean room designs, which require precise air control.

Room Ventilation II

scSTREAM automatically calculates heat generation from sunlight using a solar radiation function. Users are provided with parameters to control solar radiation, including transmission rate, glass absorptivity, and the absorptivity of surfaces exposed to sunlight. By incorporating specific heat considerations, scSTREAM can also be used to evaluate the performance of a heat storage system that accumulates solar energy during the day and utilizes it at night. Additionally, scSTREAM can account for thermal buoyancy, such as natural ventilation caused by temperature differences throughout a house.

Diagram of a multi-level house model showing airflow patterns and temperature distribution with colored arrows and heat maps, demonstrating CFD applications.
An engineering heatmap shows fluid flow simulation in a rectangular area with various color gradients from blue to red, indicating different velocity magnitudes. Common in CFD applications, the coordinate axes are labeled X, Y, and Z.

Gas flow in an Underground Parking Area

CFD is used to determine the optimal location and arrangement of exhaust fans in an underground parking area. For complex parking configurations, it is particularly important to avoid the accumulation of gas flow. scSTREAM generates an index value to quantify ventilation efficiency. In addition to standard computations of gas flow and gas concentration, users can easily compare the efficiency of various fan arrangements and performance levels.

Air flow around Buildings

High-rise communities are subject to the complexities of wind patterns, both influencing and generating strong winds. It is crucial to analyze the wind environment before construction, as making adjustments afterward can be difficult and costly. scSTREAM can simulate accurate geometries by importing numerical maps (GIS format) for a specific building and its surrounding structures.

A 3D simulation of wind flow over a cityscape, showing air streams in blue, green, and yellow lines swirling above and around buildings. The buildings, represented by monochromatic beige blocks, offer a clear demonstration of CFD applications in urban environments.
A computer-generated image showing airflow simulation over a 3D-rendered architectural structure, illustrating the flow patterns as lines moving over and around the building design, showcasing advanced CFD applications in modern architecture.

Exhaust heat and Smoke

CFD can be utilized to analyze the diffusion of plant stack gas and exhaust heat into the surrounding environment. It is used to predict gas concentration at different altitudes. This analysis helps evaluate the efficiency of specific cooling tower arrangements or exterior air conditioning units.

Ventilation System

CFD is used to evaluate the performance of ventilation systems. SC/Tetra is employed when the analysis involves complex shapes, such as the interior and outlet of an air conditioner. scSTREAM is used for analyzing surrounding airflow or for simpler geometries.

Computer-generated image of a 3D simulation showing yellow twisted structures inside a cube-shaped frame with a grid floor, demonstrating CFD applications.
A 3D-rendered image shows four robotic arms working on a car door, with CFD applications simulating airflow patterns around it.

Paint Booth

A paint booth requires precise control of airflows, an area where CFD applications play a crucial role, similar to clean room environments. Accurate airflow ensures that paint reaches the target part and is not carried away into the exhaust. scSTREAM can be used to simulate particles, allowing for the inclusion of coupling effects between the airflow and particles, which ultimately determine the particles’ final destination.

Airflow around Bridge

Windy environments are common in valley-shaped terrains. A wind analysis should be conducted before any construction in these areas. scSTREAM can import terrain geography from map data and calculate wind pressures on buildings and bridges.

A 3D model depicts a bridge spanning over a river with surrounding buildings, terrain, and directional flow vectors indicating fluid dynamics or wind patterns, demonstrating practical CFD applications.
A computer-generated fluid dynamics simulation, an example of CFD applications, showing liquid flow from one container to another with varying temperature gradients marked by colorful heatmaps.

Water Flow over a Dam

Among CFD applications, scSTREAM and SC/Tetra can perform free surface analyses to calculate fluid surface shapes, essential in scenarios like water flow over a dam.

Flow around a Water Gate

Using the moving object function, SC/Tetra can calculate the fluid flow field associated with closing a water gate. CFD applications are vital for analyzing flow around a water gate, including pressure fluctuations and changes in water surface elevation.

Rendering of a fluid dynamics simulation (CFD Applications) showing water flowing through a series of gates and barriers. The file name, cycle number, and time are displayed in the top-left corner.
A 3D simulation of heat distribution in a grid-like structure, showing temperature variations with blue, green, and red colors. The structure has rectangular elements aligned in parallel rows, demonstrating advanced CFD applications for accurate thermal analysis.

Analysis of Thermal Environment of a Data Center

In a data center where a large number of servers must be adequately cooled, it is vital to maintain a constant room temperature. Thermo-fluid analyses can evaluate whether design parameters, such as air-conditioning performance, vent allocation, and appropriate spacing between servers, meet the necessary requirements.

Analysis of Air Flow inside Clean Room (Speed Vector and Concentration Distribution).

In a cleanroom, the number of airborne particulates is kept below a specific level, with temperature, humidity, and pressure also carefully regulated. Using scSTREAM, it is possible to model particulates as diffusive species or particles and predict how air contaminants distribute and behave within the space.

A 3D simulation of air flow dynamics within a room, showcasing various colored streamlines to illustrate velocity and direction. The image includes arrows depicting the airflow pattern and regions of varying intensity, demonstrating practical CFD applications.
Simulation of fluid dynamics, quintessential in CFD applications, shows airflow around a cylindrical object with velocity and pressure vectors visualized in different colors. A color legend on the side indicates velocity magnitude.

Analysis of Car Exhaust Diffusion in an Expressway

Car exhaust from highways drifts over roadside barriers and disperses into the surrounding environment. By analyzing the advective diffusion of exhaust gases and the influence of wind on their flow, it is possible to predict the impact on nearby environments and residents. This analysis aids in assessing and mitigating potential air quality issues in areas adjacent to highways.

Analysis of Humidity in Indoor Space Facilitated with Humidity Conditioner

A humidity conditioner can help maintain a comfortable indoor environment and dry wet laundry on rainy days. However, its use can increase room temperature due to the latent heat generated while reducing humidity levels. With scSTREAM, it is possible to account for these effects and perform detailed humidity analyses of indoor spaces, ensuring optimal comfort and efficiency.

A comparative 3D diagram showcasing four scenarios of air supply and wall ventilation efficiency, employing CFD applications, with and without rotating operations, depicted in shades of green and orange for air distribution.
A 3D-rendered image displays a green and yellow propeller inside a circular casing with blue lines indicating airflow patterns, illustrating CFD applications. The word "CRADLE" is visible in the top right corner.

Axial Fan

Fluid flow analysis of an axial fan is challenging because the blade shape significantly affects performance. Accurate geometry representation and grid generation are critical. Starting from CAD data, SC/Tetra’s automatic mesh generator can create the computational mesh in a matter of hours, whereas most conventional CFD software may take weeks. SC/Tetra simulates rotating blades using the rotating boundary (ALE) function and can perform a preliminary steady-state analysis using only the blade’s rotational forces.

Sirocco Fan

SC/Tetra significantly reduces the time required to simulate a sirocco fan or a propeller fan. A transient analysis using the ALE function (Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian for moving and/or rotating boundaries) provides more accurate details compared to a basic steady-state analysis.

A CFD application simulating a Sirocco fan shows velocity and pressure fields, with two 3D renderings of the fan at different angles and a data summary on the right.
A transparent turbine visualizes airflow patterns with blue streamlines, illustrating fluid dynamics within the mechanism, exemplifying CFD applications.


A blower moves the working fluid with rotating blades, similar to other fans. SC/Tetra can model both gases and liquids.

Exhaust Fan

The shape and number of blades significantly affect the performance of a turbofan. SC/Tetra can evaluate several different cases in a short time by allowing models to be built with changes only to the rotating parts and their area.

A computer-generated image of fluid dynamics simulation shows a colorful flow pattern around a circular turbine, illustrating velocity and pressure changes using a gradient color scale from blue to red, exemplifying CFD applications.
A 3D illustration of a complex toroidal device with yellow, spiraling lines representing magnetic fields or electric currents inside a circular frame, showcasing its potential in CFD applications.

Vortex Blower

The internal flow of a vortex blower, which can rotate in either direction, is highly complex and can only be effectively visualized using CFD. CFD is invaluable for making this intricate flow visible, allowing users to understand the basic flow structure and underlying physics.

Multi-Stage Pump

The computation of fluid flow through fans and turbines can be time-consuming due to the transient phenomena occurring between the rotating and stationary components. However, SC/Tetra offers convenient functions designed to facilitate these analyses. These include the axial symmetric condition, periodic boundary conditions, and the ability to treat the rotating force as a rotating object rather than simulating the actual rotation. These functions significantly reduce calculation time while still accurately simulating the physics.

A 3D schematic of a mechanical part illustrates time-based particle distribution, leveraging CFD applications with a color gradient scale from blue to red to indicate various time intervals of particle movement.
A colored simulation image showing fluid flow dynamics through and around a bent pipe, highlighting varying pressure and velocity regions—an excellent example of CFD applications.

Die Coating

CFD analysis is also applied to the dye coating process, which uniformly coats materials with a dye liquid (paint) using wall movement. The free surface condition is used at the liquid/air interface, as the thickness of the liquid is the primary parameter being calculated. CFD enables parametric analyses to evaluate the effects of changing factors such as the velocity of the moving wall, wall roughness, viscosity, and the velocity of the liquid.

Chemical Vapor Deposition

CFD is used for analyzing the Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) process, which is employed to generate thin films, such as silicon, on printed circuit boards. SC/Tetra can handle both multiple-gas mixing analysis and single carrier gas analysis.

A computer-generated diagram showing fluid flow patterns inside a vessel with two angled inlets and a flat surface at the bottom, illustrating CFD applications. Axes marked X, Y, and Z are visible on the lower left.
Visualization of fluid dynamics in a cylindrical container, showcasing yellow particles dispersed within the fluid, with internal structures and a spout on the side. This model highlights CFD applications for analyzing flow behavior and particle distribution.

Mixing Tank

For a mixing tank that combines multiple materials, SC/Tetra is used to evaluate the performance of the mixing blades and tank design. scSTREAM can also be used to evaluate the mixing of multiple materials. These tools can simulate a wide variety of chemical phenomena by incorporating additional functions such as chemical reaction, particle tracking, and multi-phase flow, alongside standard thermal and fluid analysis.

Case Study Interviews
